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Ken Robinson, Retirement Congratulations!

Congratulations on your retirement
Ken Robinson! 

Today we celebrated Ken’s retirement after twenty-one years with Peter Lennox Automotive!

Ken, you have been an absolute star at Peter Lennox Automotive for over twenty-one years and your collegial good spirit will certainly be missed! You run the parts department like a swiss clock, always responding to our “million a day” enquiries and keeping our loyal customers supplied with genuine Mercedes-Benz parts.

Thank you for your dedicated work over the years, you will be missed by the whole team and we hope to see you drop in for a yarn whenever you can!

The parts department at Peter Lennox Automotive is a very busy place, with enquiries from customers on the phone, email and social media keeping the parts manager very busy!

The workshop works hand in hand with the parts department on a daily basis with all our service, repair and quotes relying on quick research and supply of parts!

We stock over 5000 genuine and quality parts for Mercedes cars in our parts shop!

With Ken’s departure, we are glad we’ve found an expert Parts Manager and he has been working with Ken over the past couple of months!

Please welcome Aaron Goerss! (that’s Aaron to the right of Ken’s cake!)

Aaron brings over 25 years of automotive and parts experience to the department and will be your new go-to man for any Mercedes parts!

Welcome Aaron and stay tuned for more in the near future!

Peter Lennox Automotive

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